Complexity is Keeping You Stuck
Let's talk about why complexity isn't making you as smart as you think.
I used to be that person with the elaborate spreadsheets, the endless flowcharts, and plans so complicated they never left my laptop.
Sound familiar?
Then, one day, I realized all that complexity was just fear in disguise.
Because it's easier to keep planning than to face the possibility of failing at something simple.
I hit this wall recently with a marketing project where I had contingency plans for my contingency plans.
But nothing was actually happening.
Then it hit me:
I just needed to get the first few things done.
Just the basics. Just the foundation.
And suddenly, everything got clearer.
Success doesn't live in those complicated plans.
It lives in the simple actions you take every day.
So now, when I catch myself spiraling into overthinking,
I pause and ask: "What's the simplest way forward?"
Sometimes, the smartest move is just keeping it simple.